
Nanotechnology & Diagnostics Applications

Development of Functional Nucleic Acids

Wenwan Zhong 2.3.22

UCR Professor, Wenwan Zhong's research is devoted to developing innovative analytical techniques to advance our understanding on how biomolecules function, to improve disease diagnosis and treatment, and to assess the health impacts from environmental pollutants. One of the major focuses of her research is to develop advanced techniques for analysis of extracellular vesicles (EVs) and discovery of EV-based biomarkers beneficial for disease diagnosis and prognosis. She is also developing functional nucleic acids as potential therapeutic reagents and drug delivery tools.


Engineering of Theranostics

Professor of Bioengineering Bahman Anvari’s laboratory in the Bourns College of Engineering focuses on the design and engineering of biologically-derived constructs as photo-activated theranostic agents for optical imaging and phototherapy of specific diseases. The lab has developed platforms derived from mammalian cells (erythrocytes) as well as genome-depleted plant-infecting viruses that can be doped with various near infrared organic chromophores with potential applications ranging from photo-treatment of cutaneous capillary malformations to cancer and vascular imaging.

Measurement of Small Circulating Oligonucleotides as Prognostic, Diagnostic or Treatment Indicators

Professor of Biomedical Sciences Ameae Walker of the UCR School of Medicine and colleagues have developed a simple, inexpensive and effective method for measuring small oligonucleotides in samples of plasma or serum. The small oligonucleotides may be prognostic or diagnostic microRNAs or administered oligonucleotide therapeutics. The method does not require PCR or any equipment beyond that present in an average clinical laboratory. A patent application has been filed.