A Multi-Disciplinary Center Developing New Tools and Therapeutics

Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine
MolMed: A Multi-Disciplinary Center Developing New Tools and Therapeutics
The Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine (MolMed) at the University of California, Riverside is a multi-disciplinary center that brings together researchers and clinicians from across the campus to help improve the health of individuals by translating basic findings into diagnostic tools or therapeutics.
Contact Center Director Maurizio Pellecchia for more information
Donate to Support MolMed Researchers
We thank all past and current donors for their generous donations helping MolMed researchers pursue and facilitate innovative collaborations in translational medicine that help to improve the health of individuals. Your donations will help us continue to do so in the future.
Our Translational Projects
Members of the Center for Molecular and Translational Medicine are working on novel treatments in a variety of medical fields.
Meet Our People
MolMed is made up of a robust group of faculty and staff from across the University of California, Riverside.